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Look for LEJ in these boutiques and spas!

Estilo - Austin, Texas
Addie Rose - Austin, Texas
Hotel Viata Spa - Westlake, Texas
Julie B - Le Grange, Texas
Spa Relais - Westlake Hills, California
Ocean Blu Boutique - Fairfield, CT
Hearth & Soul - Tallahassee, Florida
Enchantments – Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Assembly - Hingham, Massachusetts
Assembly - Cohasset, Massachusetts
There There Shop - Asheville, North Carolina
Bedside Manor - Charlotte, North Carolina
Protocal - Wilmington, NC
Millie + Madge - Woodstock, NY
Serendip Limited - Norfolk Virginia
Lola Tribeca - New York City

The Trading Post – Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado Santa Fe, New Mexico

Von Maur

College Hills Mall Normal, Illinois
West Des Moines, Iowa

Lombard, Illinois
Omaha, Nebraska
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Livonia, Missouri

Louisville, Kentucky
Overland Park, Kansas
Brookfield, Wisconsin