Celebrating Women.. Today & Everyday
Today, I celebrate us, women! Since the early 1900's, we have celebrated women on this particular day, March 8th. Do you know why? Cause we are bad ass! We are elegant and courageous. Our confidence and intelligence is powerful. We are genuine, loving, and supportive. When we work together, there is nothing more powerful.
But, ya know what? I believe we can support each other a bit more. Moving forward, I intend to support at least one woman a day. How does that look? It's simply a conscious effort. That is all. I intend to acknowledge something positive I see in you/her. I intend to offer a lending hand if you/she needs support. And, I am expressing genuine appreciation. I celebrate all of us and our unique qualities.
And, who better to start with than my momma. Claire, I appreciate YOU! Thank you for showing me that when sh*t hits the fan, to own my part and move forward with integrity, love and honor. Thank you for encouraging me to see the world and open not only my mind but my heart. I love your dirty sense of humor and mischievousness. Thanks for passing that on to us kids!
I'm so grateful for you. Today and everyday..